Mentoring at UC Davis
Toolkits provided by UC Davis are the resources and information you may need to enhance your job duties or excel your career.

More on Mentoring at UC Davis
Find additional resources on the UC Davis graduate studies website.

Even more on Mentoring at UC Davis
Take the teaching and mentoring skills assessment test now to find the resources you need to succeed.

Center for Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research
CIMER is providing resources for organizations and institutions to improve research mentoring relationships.

Michigan State University Mentoring Resources
This series of pages on mentoring is designed to provide ideas and resources related to mentoring, particularly for faculty and academic staff. It is critical that each of these individuals on our campus has access to the information and support they need to be successful. Much of the following material was adapted from the Mentoring Toolkit developed as part of the work on NSF ADVANCE Grant #0811205, awarded to Michigan State University.

National Resource Mentoring Network
Through the national network, NRMN implements and disseminates innovative, evidence-based best practices to improve mentoring relationships at institutions across the country. NRMN connects highly knowledgeable and skilled mentors with motivated and diverse mentees, ranging from undergraduate students to early-career faculty, and facilitate long-term, culturally responsive interactions between them. NRMN is committed to establishing a culture in which historically underrepresented mentees successfully progress in their careers and contribute to the biomedical research enterprise.

The Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM
Effective mentors are critical in the development of undergraduate and graduate students in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM)—especially for many members of underrepresented and marginalized populations. The Science of Effective Mentoring in STEMM committee systematically compiled and analyzed current research on the characteristics, competencies, and behaviors of effective mentors and mentees in STEMM and developed a practical resource guide for mentoring practitioners to create and support viable, sustainable mentoring support systems