Toxicology Learning Resources

About the ToxMSDT Learning Resources

These free lessons were developed for undergraduate students and other learners. Materials include modules, which provide overviews of areas within toxicology, and case studies, which give learners the opportunity to explore specific toxicology-related issues. The engaging content facilitates toxicology knowledge acquisition and data analysis skills development. Those who demonstrate content mastery receive a certificate of completion.

These resources were developed for Toxicology Mentoring and Skills Development Training (ToxMSDT) with support from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health, awards R25GM113989 and R25GM139200.

We invite faculty who are using these materials in their courses to let us know which materials you are using by completing this form.

Principles of Toxicology Banner

Online Resources

  • UPDATED! Genetics: A Toxicology Module
  • genetics

    Explore how toxicants can impact genetic material, protein production, and even have transgenerational effects.

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  • UPDATED! Biochemistry: A Toxicology Module
  • Toxicology

    Investigate how enzymes and metabolism adjust when toxicants influence the biochemical processes occurring in living systems.

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  • Pathophysiology: A Toxicology Module
  • pathophysiology

    Learn the basics of the physical and functional changes (pathophysiology) that occur in cells, tissues, and organs with exposure to toxicants.

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  • Applied Systems Toxicology
  • applied-systems

    Discover the branch of toxicology that integrates data from different areas to provide a holistic approach to safety assessment.  

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  • Regulatory Toxicology
  • Regulatory

    Review the agencies that use toxicology data to protect human health and the environment, encompassing global, national, and state levels.

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Case Studies
  • NEW! Ethanol: A Toxicology Case Study
  • ethanol thumbnail

    Investigate basic toxicology concepts related to consumption of alcohol.

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  • Vaping: A Toxicology Case Study
  • Vaping

    Recognize the health effects of vaping and how toxicologists assess risk.

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  • Lead in Drinking Water: A Toxicology Case Study
  • Water Fountain

    Explore how legacy uses of lead in water supply pipes became a public health concern due to contamination of a city’s water supply.

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All modules are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.