Position Title
Assistant Professor in Microbiology and Molecular Biology,
Director, Integrative Biosiences PhD Program
Dr. Deloris Alexander is a Professor in Microbiology and Molecular Biology and the Director of Integrative Biosiences PhD Program at Tuskegee University, Alabama. Dr. Alexander has been intimately involved in the launching of Tuskegee’s PhD Program in Integrative Biosciences (IBS), which seeks to address the lack of well-trained, graduate-level, U.S. scientists. Serving as the program Director, she has worked with integrative teams in procuring grants to cover student training and to improve institutional and research infrastructure. The IBS program has provided a mechanism for fostering a more intensive biomedical research and training atmosphere at Tuskegee. Dr. Alexander has many research interests, all related to microbial ecology. This area of research has implications for biomedical challenges as well as agricultural and biofuels applications. Dr. Alexander, who also serves as the Deputy Director for Research for Tuskegee University’s Health Disparities Institute for Research and Education (HDIRE), has additionally been actively involved in research that seeks to reduce health disparities as it relates to the Alabama Black Belt Counties (ABBC). Dr. Alexander is also a joint faculty member in the College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Sciences (CAENS) and the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Allied Health (CVMNAH). Her research fields are Parasitology and Health Disparities.